A film by Biljana Tutorov


Dragoslava has four TV sets, three grandchildren, two best friends, and a husband with whom she fights over a remote control. She has lived in five countries without ever moving from her flat in a small borderline town. The media and politics creep into the family intimacy but she reflects about it with humor and determination. For the kids, she invents real life stories instead of fairy tales and keeps her desire to see a future of hope. Our every single gesture, from getting up in the morning onward, is an act of responsibility which starts to change the world.

Year: 2017
Production Countries: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia
Runtime: 74' | 52' short vers
Original Language: Serbian
Subtitles: English

Director: Biljana Tutorov
Script: Biljana Tutorov
Cinematography: Orfea Skutelis
Sound: Frano Homen
Editor: Thomas Ernst
Producers: Biljana Tutorov (Wake Up Films), Dijana Mladenović (Kinematograf)



  • 23 Sarajevo Film Festival | European Documentary Network Talent Grant
  • So-Sofia Independendent Film Festival | Special Jury Mention
  • Free Zone Human Rights Film Festival
  • International Film Festival WATCH DOCS – Human Rights in Film
  • BalkanDays Munich
  • Sarajevo-sur-Seine" Film Festival
  • Balkan Florence Express
  • Visions du Réel – Festival Internacional de Cinéma Nyon
  • Subversive Film Festival
  • TRT Documentary Days
  • BELDOCS – Belgrade Documentary Film Festival | Winner Best Editing
  • International Film Festival Innsbruck
  • Al Este de Lima Film Festival
  • Dokufest International Documentary and Short Film Festival
  • CINEMED – 40e Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen Montpellier
  • Eastern Neighbours Film Festival


Biljana Tutorov
After graduating in Archaeology and Art History at the Catholic University in Louvain, Belgium, studied Film Anthropology at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE) and Drama at Ecole Internationale de Thêatre Jacque Lecoq in Paris. In 2006, she spent three months in documentary filmmaking residency at Maison du Doc in Lussas, France. Biljana is the author of several short, feature and documentary films, video installations and performances. In 2010 she founded an independent film production, Wake Up Films, with an idea to conceptualize and produce creative documentaries, animation and fiction films.














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